sty in the sky
cloud accounting
Moving your business to the cloud is NOT an onerous task! We will transition your accounts from whatever you are currently using – a spreadsheet, desktop software, pieces of paper, and even from one of those old fashioned accountants!
- Access to your information 24x7
- No software installation or maintenance contracts
- Loads of Apps that further enhance your business & accounting software
- Your information is secure, even when your device decides it has had enough!
- Full audit trail of everything - something you don't get when using a spreadsheet.
- Up-to-date business insights, enabling you to see how your company is performing
- And, best of never have to see your accountant in the flesh again. Although we are really rather friendly and love seeing our clients!
why go digital?
No more keeping bundles of receipts and invoices in box files, filing cabinets and carrier bags! We use software that digitises those pesky pieces of paper into an electronic record! All through the power of an App that we provide as part of our cloud packages.
You can make decisions about your business in real-time, not a month, or six-months after – when it may be too late. No more truffling through a 10-page report that is out-of-date by the time it is produced. Information is available 24*7 on an easy to read dashboard, that is as up-to-date as your financial data. Why wait for your next set of accounts to be produced to understand your profit, debtors or tax liability?
How often have you been presented with a document that is full of words, trying to explain how something is performing? After a couple of paragraphs, the words all just blend into one big heap of mumbo-jumbo, and at the end, you are none the wiser about what the report is trying to tell you. Often you can spend hours creating yet another monster spreadsheet to try and impress on your Bank Manager how well you are doing. Well, it’s time to say goodbye to monsters and hello to super cool and funky graphical reports – which can even fit on 1-page, and tell you much more than that 10-pager that’s gathering dust!